Rich Tree View - Ordering
Drag and drop your items to reorder them.
Enable drag & drop re-ordering
You can enable the drag & drop re-ordering of items by setting the itemsReordering
prop to true
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
Limit the re-ordering
By default, all the items are reorderable.
You can prevent the re-ordering of some items using the isItemReorderable
The following example shows how to only allow re-ordering of the leaves using the getItemOrderedChildrenIds
API method.
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
You can also limit the items in which an item can be dropped using the canMoveItemToNewPosition
The following example shows how to only allow re-ordering inside the same parent:
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
React to an item re-ordering
You can use the onItemPositionChange
to send the new position of an item to your backend:
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
No reorder registered yet
If you want to send the entire dataset to your backend, you can use the getItemTree
API method.
The following demo demonstrates it by synchronizing the first Tree View with the second one whenever you do a re-ordering:
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- @mui/x-charts
- @mui/x-tree-view
Only trigger the reordering from a drag handle
You can create a custom Tree Item component to render a drag handle icon and only trigger the reordering when dragging from it:
- Data Grid
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- Date and Time Pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
Common examples
File explorer
The example below is a simplified version of the File Explorer example with drag & drop re-ordering. You can re-order items but only inside folders (or inside the trash).
Meeting notes
Tasks list
Video conference
Group photo
See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.