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Data Grid - Overlays

The various Data Grid overlays.

Loading overlay

To display a loading overlay and signify that the Data Grid is in a loading state, set the loading prop to true.

The Data Grid supports 3 loading overlay variants out of the box:

  • skeleton: an animated placeholder of the Data Grid.
  • linear-progress: an indeterminate linear progress bar.
  • circular-progress: a circular loading spinner.

The type of loading overlay to display can be set via slotProps.loadingOverlay for the following two props:

  • variant (default: linear-progress): when loading and there are rows in the table.
  • noRowsVariant (default: skeleton): when loading and there are not any rows in the table.
    loadingOverlay: {
      variant: 'linear-progress',
      noRowsVariant: 'skeleton',


An animated placeholder of the Data Grid.

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Linear progress

An indeterminate linear progress bar.

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Circular progress

A circular loading spinner.

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Custom component

If you want to customize the no-rows overlay, a component can be passed to the loadingOverlay slot.

In the following demo, a labeled determinate CircularProgress component is rendered in place of the default loading overlay, with some additional Loading rows… text.

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No columns overlay

The no-columns overlay is displayed when the Data Grid has no columns, or when all columns are hidden.

The "Manage columns" button is displayed when all columns are hidden and disableColumnSelector is false.

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Custom component

If you want to customize the no-columns overlay, a component can be passed to the noColumnsOverlay slot and rendered in place.

In the following demo, an illustration is added on top of the default "No columns" message.

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No rows overlay

The no-rows overlay is displayed when the Data Grid has no rows.

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Custom component

If you want to customize the no-rows overlay, a component can be passed to the noRowsOverlay slot and rendered in place.

In the following demo, an illustration is added on top of the default "No rows" message.

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No results overlay

The no-results overlay is displayed when the Data Grid has no results after filtering.

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Custom component

If you want to customize the no results overlay, a component can be passed to the noResults slot and rendered in place.

In the following demo, an illustration is added on top of the default "No results found" message.

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